Chicken wings with lemon and pesto


The meat on chicken wings is probably one of the juiciest and tastiest parts if we manage to cook them just right. In this case we combine mild cooking at 65 degrees with a fast fry to add personality and taste to this recipe.
We complement it by adding freshness with the lemon and the ingredients of traditional pesto although as you will see, the possible combinations are numerous.


For the chicken wings cooking:
20 chicken wings
Brine with salt and sugar
Corn flour
40 g olive oil
200 g olive oil for frying

For the garlic and lemon sauce:
100 g butter
1 clove of garlic
2 g salt
10 g sugar
30 g lemon juice
25 g Modena Balsamic Vinegar

To finish and serve:
Basil leaves and buds
20 g toasted pine nuts
40 g grated Parmesan cheese

What you need

Induction cooktop with temperature control
Sous-vide cooking bags
Vacuum sealing equipment


Chicken wings cooking
Garlic and lemon sauce
To finish and serve

General Information

65ºC / 3 h
Milk (butter, parmesan), nuts (pine nuts)
4 servings


  • Chicken wings cooking
  • Garlic and lemon sauce
  • To finish and serve

Step 1

Divide the chicken wings by cutting into three, eliminating the tips. Put them into a sugar and salt brine for 1 h 30 min (800 g of mineral water, 100 g of salt and 100 g sugar). Then remove and dry.

Step 2

Put them into sous vide bags together with the frozen extra virgin olive oil and seal (the olive oil must be frozen to be able to vacuum wrap using a household vacuum sealing machine). Cook at 65°C for 3 h. Put to one side.

Step 1

Melt the butter for 30 seconds in the microwave.

Step 2

Combine all the ingredients (butter, garlic, salt, sugar, lemon juice and vinegar) in a bowl and combine using the blender to a smooth paste. Put to one side.

Step 1

Put the extra virgin olive oil in a pan and heat, keeping it at 180°C.

Step 2

Take the chicken wings from the cooking bags, drain them and lightly dry them. Dip the wings in the corn flour, shaking off any excess.

Step 3

Quickly fry the wings in the olive oil until they are crispy, remove and lay out on absorbent kitchen paper. Put to one side.

Step 4

Put the fried wings into the bowl and season with the garlic and lemon emulsion. Sprinkle the parmesan over the top and finish off with the toasted pine nuts and the basil shoots.