Chicken breast and aubergine sandwich


On many occasions we can use low-temperature cooking to make everyday meals, with the straightforward aim of producing simple dishes that are bursting with flavour. This recipe is a clear example; we gently confit the chicken breast so that it is tasty and tender.


2chicken breasts
2 aubergines
100 g Feta cheese
50 g olive paste
8 cherry tomatoes
1 lemon
Rosemary or thyme
Salad rocket
200 g sunflower oil for confiting
10 g juniper berries
10 g pink pepper
40 g olive oil (aromatised with rosemary)
4 slices of bread

What you need

Induction cooktop with temperature control
Core temperature probe


Chiken breast sandwich

General Information

65ºC / 45 min.
2 personas


  • Chiken breast sandwich

Step 1

Soak the chicken breasts in brine for 1 hour. Remove and dry.

Step 2

Prepare an aromatised sunflower oil bath with the pink pepper, the juniper berries and the lemon peel. Cook at 65ºC until the meat’s interior temperature reaches 65ºC, using the core temperature probe. If no probe is available, cook for approximately 45 min.

Step 3

Cut the aubergine into cubes or matchsticks, salt then leave to stand for a few minutes so that it can “sweat” out its bitterness. Then, cook in a frying pan.

Step 4

Cut the tomatoes into slices, mix the Feta cheese with the olive oil aromatised with rosemary or thyme, salt and pepper.

Step 5

When the chicken breast is cooked, remove from the oil, quickly sear on the skin side in a frying pan, and slice.

Step 6

Toast a slice of bread in the oven. Spread with the olive paste, arrange the chicken, the aubergine, salad rocket, tomato and Feta cheese then dress with the rosemary oil. Cover with another slice of toasted bread and serve.


If the chicken is not going to be used straight away, it can be quickly cooled in cold oil and kept in the refrigerator.