Clams with yogurt and lime


A refreshing idea that combines small bites of the sea with the sparkling grace of citrus fruits.


20 Galician clams
1 yogurt
1 g of xanthan gum (proportion: 3 g per litre of liquid)
1 lime
20 purple shiso leaves (or similar)
Crushed ice

What you need

Induction cooktop with temperature control
Sous-vide cooking bags
Vacuum sealing equipment
Small, fine-mesh sieve
Kitchen pipettes or squeeze bottles


Clams with yogurt and lime

General Information

90ºC / 1 min 30 seg
Sea food, milk (yogurt)
4 personas


  • Clams with yogurt and lime

Step 1

Mix the yogurt with some drops of lime, salt and pepper.

Step 2

Vacuum seal the clams and cook them in a water bath at 90°C for 1 minute 30 seconds or at 100°C for 1 minute. Quickly cool with water and ice to stop the cooking process.

Step 3

Open the bag and drain off the cooking liquid. Put to one side. Next, open the clams and remove the upper part of the shells. Reserve the juice from them.

Step 4

Bind the water from the clams with the appropriate proportion of xanthan gum and the help of the blender, then strain it through the fine sieve to ensure no impurities remain.

Step 5

With the help of a coffee spoon, drip on top of each clam a little of its texturized water. Then, with a pipette or squeeze bottle, add a drop of lime yogurt.

Step 6

In a dish arrange a base of crushed ice with the clams on top. Add a little lime zest to give it a fresh, citrus aroma. Decorate with a shiso leaf on top of each clam.