Horchata Cream


An infinite variety of creams and crème caramel-type dishes exist. In this case we present one made using horchata (tiger nut milk). It is based on using a mild cooking process to preserve all the nuances of flavour offered by the horchata. These kinds of preparations improve notably by leaving them to stand for a day. This stabilises them and gives them the creamy texture that we are seeking..


800 ml of fresh horchata
200 ml of cream (32% milk fat)
100 g sugar
12 egg yolks
60 g sugar for burning
50 g crumble

What you need

Induction cooktop with temperature control
Glass jars
Kitchen blowtorch


Horchata Cream

General Information

85ºC | 45min
Egg, milk (cream, horchata), gluten (crumble), nuts (crumble).
10 servings


  • Horchata Cream

Step 1

Combine the yolks in a bowl with the sugar and whisk the mixture. Mix the cream and the horchata into the bowl with the eggs and sugar.

Step 2

Fill the moulds with the previously strained mixture and wait a few minutes until the mixture has lost all of the air bubbles to obtain a soft and smooth shake. Put the lids on the jars making sure to tighten them properly.

Step 3

Immerse the glass jars in a water bath at 85°C for around 45 min. Once cooked, remove from the water bath. Leave to cool for a few minutes at room temperature. Then cool them in a cold water bath (or water with ice) and keep in the refrigerator until the following morning, to improve their consistency.

Step 4

Option 1: Before serving, add sugar and use a kitchen blowtorch to burn it in order to caramelise it.
Option 2: Add a crunchy crumble mixture.


Once the cream has stood for a day, if we mix it well with a spoon, we will obtain a horchata cream that we can use to complement different desserts.