Two-Stage Fish Soup


Preparing soups, fish chowders, creams, bouillabaisse, etc., always involves the quest to produce a tasty stock complemented with fish or other accompaniments such as vegetables or rice. In this case we not only wanted to highlight the marvellous taste of fish soup, but also find the best point of doneness for the fish that complements the dish by lowering its cooking temperature.


1 Kg fish heads
1 Kg rockfish
100 g celery
100 g carrot
100 g leek
100 g onion
1 tomato
100 g toasted bread
2 cloves of garlic
25 ml of Pernod
50 g brandy
100 g mild olive oil
5 l water
Fennel leaves
100 g sautéed onion, well browned
600 g of different fish (red mullet - large -, monkfish, seabass, or other similar fish)

What you need

Induction cooktop with temperature control


Two-Stage Fish Soup

General Information

60ºC / 7 min
Fish, gluten, crustaceans
4 servings


  • Two-Stage Fish Soup

Step 1

Prepare a sofrito base by cutting the vegetables (leek, carrot, celery and onion) into mirepoix, crushing and adding the garlic, then cooking on a mild heat.

Step 2

Add the fish heads and the rockfish to the sofrito base and sauté for 5 minutes, then add the tomato and cook for another 10 minutes.

Step 3

Add the pre-prepared sautéed onions.

Step 4

Flambé with the brandy.

Step 5

Add the water and leave to cook for 3 hours on a low heat, then strain.

Step 6

Add the toasted bread and the Pernod.

Step 7

Heat the soup until it reaches 60ºC, then add the remaining fish, diced, and cook for 7 minutes at 60ºC to achieve the best point of doneness for the fish.

Step 8

Remove the fish and arrange elegantly in a dish. Finish by decorating the fish with fennel leaves, adding the hot stock and accompanying with slices of toast.


We can also “bind” or thicken the soup using another method such as adding cornflour to avoid using ingredients with gluten.