Asparagus on Toast with Egg Cream and Cheese


On this occasion we are going to make an egg sauce with the help of temperature control so that we obtain a creamy texture, with no curdling but very smooth. The basis for success will lie in constantly stirring the cream to avoid little lumps and ensuring the water does not exceed 80 degrees if we work with stainless steel recipients (although we can raise it to 90 degrees if the recipient is glass - or Pyrex - since it is not a good transmitter of heat).


20g of nut oil (or oil with chopped nut inside, ideally hazelnut)
1 bunch asparagus
100 g salad rocket
4 slices rustic bread toast

For the egg sauce
3 eggs
20 g cream (35% milk fat)
1 lemon

For the spiced cheese:
1 g black pepper
1 g white pepper
1 g clove
1 g cardamom
1 g Sichuan pepper
1 g pink pepper
10 g chervil
200 g cream cheese (e.g. quark)

What you need

Induction cooktop with temperature control
Hand whisk


Asparagus on Toast with Egg Cream and Cheese

General Information

85ºC / 20 min
Egg, milk (cream, cheese spread), gluten (toast), nuts
4 servings


  • Asparagus on Toast with Egg Cream and Cheese

Step 1

Using a pestle or a mill, crush the spices and mix with the cheese spread together with the chopped chervil. Put to one side.

Step 2

Cut the asparagus spears just where the colour starts changing from white to green. Vacuum wrap the green part and cook in a water bath at 85°C for 20 min (if they are very thick they may need a little more time). If not to be eaten immediately, cool them in water with ice and keep in the refrigerator.

Step 3

Meanwhile, make the egg sauce, by beating the eggs with the cream, a little salt, grated lemon peel and some drops of lemon juice. Place in a bowl and cook with a bain-marie at 85°C (if the bowl is stainless steel) for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. When it takes on a creamy texture, add the chopped chervil, mix and remove from the water bath.

Step 4

Spread the spiced cheese on the toast, place the warm asparagus on top and dress with the egg sauce. Accompany the recipe with a refreshing salad of rocket and nut oil.